#dThe avatar of the member.
Whether the member is communication disabled.
The date until the member is communication disabled.
Whether the member is deafened.
The flags associated with the member.
guildThe guild the member belongs to.
The date the member joined the guild.
Whether the member is muted.
The nickname of the member.
Whether the member is pending.
The permissions of the member.
The date the member started boosting the guild.
The presence status of the member.
The IDs of the roles assigned to the member.
The roles manager for the member.
The timeout date of the member.
Whether the member is timeouted.
The user associated with this member.
Gets the user associated with this member.
The User instance of the member.
Checks if the member is bannable.
True if the member can be banned, false otherwise.
Checks if the member is kickable.
True if the member can be kicked, false otherwise.
_patchBans the member from the guild.
The payload for banning the member.
The response from the API.
Changes the nickname of the member.
The new nickname.
The reason for changing the nickname.
The response from the API.
Generated using TypeDoc
Represents a guild member and provides methods to manage and interact with it.