Represents a Discord message.

Hierarchy (view full)



attachments: unknown[]

Attachments in the message.

author: User

The author of the message.

channel: TextBasedChannel

The channel where the message was sent.

channelId: string

The ID of the channel where the message was sent.

client: Client

The client associated with the message.

content: string

The content of the message.

data: GatewayMessageCreateDispatchData

The data of the message.

embeds: unknown[]

Embeds in the message.

flags: number

Flags of the message.

guild: Guild

The guild where the message was sent.

guildId: string

The ID of the guild where the message was sent.

id: string

The ID of the message.

member: Member

The member object associated with the message.

mentions: {
    channels: Collection<string, APIChannelMention>;
    roles: Collection<string, string>;
    users: Collection<string, User | Member>;

Mentions in the message.

Type declaration

nonce: unknown

A nonce that can be used for optimistic message sending.

pinned: boolean

Whether the message is pinned.

reactions: MessageReactions

Reactions associated with the message.

sended: Nullable<{
    date: Date;
    stamp: any;
    unix: number;

Information about when the message was sent.

Type declaration

  • date: Date
  • stamp: any
  • unix: number
stickers: Collection<string, unknown>

Stickers attached to the message.

thread: any

Information about the associated thread.

tts: boolean

Whether the message was text-to-speech.

type: number

The type of the message.

user: User

The user associated with the message.

webhookId?: string

The ID of the webhook that sent the message.



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