
  • TextBasedChannel
    • ThreadChannel



#client: Client
archive_stamp: any
archived: boolean
auto_archive_duration: number
available_tags: any

The available tags of the channel.

bitrate: Nullable<number>

The bitrate of the channel.

channel?: Channel | TextChannel
channel_id: string
client: Client
cooldown: number
created: any
data: APIChannel

The channel payload.

default_auto_archive_duration: Nullable<number>

The default auto archive duration of the channel.

default_forum_layout: any

The default forum layout of the channel.

default_reaction_emoji: any

The default reaction emoji of the channel.

default_sort_order: any

The default sort order of the channel.

default_thread_rate_limit_per_user: any

The default thread rate limit per user of the channel.

flags?: number

The flags of the channel.

guildId?: string

The ID of the guild where the channel is located.

id: string

The ID of the channel.

last_message_id: string
last_pin: any
locked: boolean
members: ThreadMemberManager
message_count: number
messages: ChannelMessageManager<ThreadChannel>
name: Nullable<string>

The name of the channel.

nsfw?: Nullable<boolean>

Indicates whether the channel is NSFW.

owner?: Member
owner_id: string
parent_id: Nullable<string>

The parent ID of the channel.

permission_overwrites?: APIOverwrite[]

The permission overwrites of the channel.

permissions?: ChannelPermissionManager

The permissions manager of the channel.

position: number

The position of the channel.

rate_limit_per_user: number
rtc_region: Nullable<string>

The RTC region of the channel.

send: Function
sendMessage: Function
topic: Nullable<string>

The topic of the channel.

type: ChannelType

The type of the channel.

user_limit: Nullable<number>

The user limit of the channel.

video_quality_mode: Nullable<VideoQualityMode>

The video quality mode of the channel.



  • Creates a message in the Text Channel


    Returns Promise<null | ResponseFromApi | Message>


    const channel = client.channels.cache.get("766497696604487691")

    channel.createMessage(`Hello world!`).then((response) => {
    return console.log(response)
    } else {
    console.log(`Message sended successfully!`)

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